Want to stop asking for referrals? Then give your clients a reason to spread the word. The trick is to create user-friendly video that is easy to share. Even if you’re feeling behind the curve on video marketing (which happens to be the trend in 2018 according to Forbes), it shouldn’t feel overwhelming to dive in.
Here’s a checklist that will help you get started making videos that speak to your current clients and to your prospects:
6 steps to attract new clients with video
1. INQUIRY: Start by asking your clients questions. To figure out what will interest them, it’s easy to just ask. You can do this in a client survey or pull together a client board made up of those people you’d love to clone to grow your business. Sit them down and ask them questions like:
- What are your biggest financial concerns?
- What events prompt you to schedule an appointment with me (your financial advisor)?
- What things do you not feel confident about when it comes to finances?
- What financial topics don’t you fully understand?
2. CALENDAR: Once you’ve identified your clients’ knowledge gaps, you have a ready-made editorial list. These topics are your opportunities to create good content. Now you just get started. Organize the list into an editorial calendar like this one from the Content Marketing Institute and you will have a framework for production.
Pro Tip: When going over your list of what clients care about, pick topics that you are good at explaining and try to think of specific examples to illustrate your point.
3. PRODUCE: You can hire a team to shoot your videos or DIY. If you decide to DIY, here are some basic shooting tips that will make you look good. Be careful though, if your videos look too “homegrown” they may actually damage the brand you’ve spent time building.
4. SHARE: Take those videos and put them to work. We tell clients to expand their editorial calendar into a schedule that includes: Topic, Shoot Date, Post Date.
Pro Tip: Also include a checklist for where each video gets posted so you don’t miss an opportunity. For example, you might first put it into an email to clients and COIs, then directly upload the video to Facebook so it autoplays. Do the same for Twitter and then LinkedIn. Social platforms are all “pay to play” these days so make sure you record how much you spend to boost each post.
5. ASK: The goal of each video is to help answer your clients’ questions … but also to get them to share. If you’ve created a video of value, clients may do that without being asked. But it’s always a good idea to include friendly reminder that, “This is something you can share!”
6. MEASURE: This step is easy to overlook but really important. If you’ve invested your time and money into video marketing, take the initiative to track it. Use a spreadsheet to go back and check in on how each video performed. Once you do, look for what got the most engagement and see if you can figure out trends.
- Why did this video resonate?
- Should I be talking more about this topic in video?
- Is there an opportunity to create a client event or webinar to expand it?
How do you know if video is working?
When you start to leveraging video marketing you’ll be able to engage new prospects while saving time. Imagine a HNW friend of one of your top clients. A video lands in their inbox (forwarded from that friend who is your client). Mrs. HNW watches the video and finds it valuable.
Next stop, she’ll check out your website. Have videos posted there too? She can watch those and get an idea of who you are and how you operate. Now you’ve had several touch points with a prospective client and several chances to create a positive impression before they ever meet you.
Video also gives you a way to establish yourself as an expert. And when it comes to money and giving advice, your clients need to believe that you know what you’re talking about. Plus, some of your competitors aren’t using video.
Spend some time checking out the websites and YouTube channels of 3 firms you’d consider your top competition. It’s likely some will be using videos produced by big companies or turn-key videos that slap a logo on the end of a pre-produced piece.
When you take the time to create content yourself that’s polished, reflects your brand, and adds value to someone’s life, you’ll set yourself apart from the competition.
Ready to speed up the pace of your referrals? Click here to schedule a call.