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Four Steps to Client Engagement for Financial Advisors

Use these four steps recommended by Raymond James to create greater engagement among your clients and help drive your business growth.

Study after study has shown that the most satisfied clients are the ones who hear from their advisors frequently, who have forged trusting relationships with their advisors and who receive stellar service.

These are the clients who are truly engaged – and who can help drive your business’s growth. So how can you create greater engagement among your clients? Use these four simple steps.

Step 1: Branch Management

Beyond marketing materials and a logo, your brand is the essence of who you are, and it’s built one step at a time. To ensure it’s strong:

  • Define, create and manage your brand
  • Keep it consistent
  • Have a strong presence online
  • Use your website as a touch point or central “hub” for clients
  • Engage in social media

Step 2: Client Experience

Your interaction with clients is where the rubber meets the road in terms of referral potential. To increase your referral odds:

  • Deliver exceptional client service
  • Communicate reactively and proactively; segment clients based on preferences for frequency and kinds of information
  • Use the various methods of communication – face to face, phone, email, online – wisely based on what your clients prefer
  • Don’t discount lower-net-worth clients as referral sources
Step 3: Relationship Management

Although it can take time, developing close personal ties to both clients and other professionals can lead to long-term relationships and ongoing referrals. To help maximize your relationships:

  • Give a referral first to establish yourself with centers of influence like CPAs and attorneys
  • Get involved in community groups, clubs and organizations that capture your interest, attract your target client or include key centers of influence
  • Identify sources for new clients
  • Identify your top advocates
Step 4: Client Advocacy

When it comes to referrals, your strongest relationships are often your greatest asset. To help your top clients become client advocates:

  • Ask the right people; target highly satisfied clients
  • Act at the right time; establishing trust first is key
  • Have the right conversation; describe a typical client and how you helped him or her solve a problem, instead of explaining your asset minimum
Next Steps

Ready to take your practice management and client engagement to the next level? Contact us for a complimentary call to explore ways in which your firm can improve upon these critically important areas!