After a span of several rough-and-tumble days in the market and the CDC using words like “pandemic,” the topic of coronavirus is front and center on the radar of your clients. Many of your clients likely reached out to you directly with their concerns, and the ones who didn’t are probably thinking about it. With non-stop breaking news alerts, the topic is inescapable.
So, when a crisis like coronavirus strikes, how do you effectively communicate with your clients and provide them with calm reassurance?
4 Tips on Keeping Clients Calm
First, acknowledge the problem while providing some context. Yes, this is a serious health issue for those with other medical complications. But media coverage of the crisis has amplified concerns despite a relatively low number of cases in very limited areas.
Second, remind them that the current 10-year climb is atypical, and that corrections are inevitable. Clients see the short-term fluctuations in their portfolio in recent days, but a gentle reminder of the strong performance and all-time highs of the market can help provide a fresh perspective and refocus their attention on the long-term. Their concerns shouldn’t be taken lightly, but it’s good to realign their expectations with the reality of the markets.
Third, use market research or commentary to back up your points and help explain the fluctuations. In times of crisis, people look towards leaders and experts for reassurance. For example, seeing charts of long-term performance can help remind them that this is a momentary situation that may not last much longer.
Fourth, give a call-to-action so clients feel like there’s something they can do. In the case of coronavirus, it might be linking off the the CDC website for their recommendations or the State Department website for travel advice.
Forms of Communication
The easiest way to communicate with clients is likely an email. Write it up, get compliance approval, pull the trigger.
But the most effective way to communicate, especially in a crisis, is with video. It’s an easy way for clients to digest the information, as they don’t have to do any reading. Plus, they get to see and hear you deliver your reassuring message.
Video provides the perfect balance of verbal and non-verbal communication. By bringing warmth and a smile to your message, your tone and body language add a calming effect that can’t be captured in an email.
Making videos used to be a costly proposition, but you now have amazing capabilities right at your fingertips. The camera on your cell phone does an excellent job of capturing high resolution footage when paired with some basic lighting and audio equipment.
Did you know our video partner Idea Decanter has a DIY video package called Idea Kit that pairs your cell phone with their lighting and microphone? They can even remotely take over your phone to help “direct” your shoot, and add a teleprompter feature to your phone when filming. Learn more about Idea Kit and see how it can help you deliver low-cost videos with high production values.
Once you have your video system all set up for marketing and client communication videos, you’ll be fully equipped to share thoughts on timely topics at the press of a button.
However you choose to communicate with your clients, embrace the opportunity to be a voice of calm assurance during a time of crisis. Not only will you put clients at ease, but you’ll be further demonstrating that you truly care about how they feel.