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13 Behaviors That Will Boost Your Confidence

You might think confidence is an inherent personality trait; you’ve either got it or you don’t. Not true! Confidence can be learned, with a few proven tips and a lot of practice.

When you are intentional about emulating these behaviors, you will soon feel more confident and begin to exhibit a confident persona.

13 Tips on Boosting Confidence
  • Accept yourself, as you are, ‘warts n all.’ Unconditional acceptance will enhance your outward veneer.
  • Assume the feeling of what you want to attain. Tell yourself “I feel confident, accomplished, well, etc.”
  • Act confident; perception is reality.
  • Surround yourself with positive people; let them reinforce your self esteem.
  • Shake hands with others and “be a man/woman well-met.”
  • Smile! Smiling is a confident behavior and is infectious!
  • Make regular eye-contact with others.
  • Use others’ (properly pronounced) name upon meeting, speaking and farewell.
  • Stand tall and hold your head high; good posture helps project a positive image.
  • Control your movements i.e. attention to fidgeting, leaning, weaving.
  • Dress. When you dress well, you feel better and project strength.
  • Speak clearly, succinctly; articulate.
  • Initiate! Be the initiator of eye-contact, handshakes, conversation, introductions.
Taking the First Step

Pick one or two items from this list of confidence boosting behaviors, and spend some time focusing on making them a habit. Once you’ve mastered those techniques, move on to a few more from the list.

Before you know it, you’ll be lighting up any room and projecting confidence like you’ve always had it.