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6 Ways to Find and Attract Leads Using LinkedIn

Looking for a few simple tweaks to gain exposure, increase your visibility, and attract new prospects using LinkedIn?  If so, this is the list for you. Modifying the way you use LinkedIn will change how prospects perceive and respond to you.

Here are six strategies to attract new leads to your firm.

1)  Create A Profile For Your Target Market

Your profile should “talk” to the people you are trying to sell your services and products. Include images and phrases explaining how you help your clients. Entice them to dig further by including calls to action directing your audience to sign up for your newsletter or to download a recent article you’ve written. Once they provide their information, you’ve gained a new prospect to move into your sales funnel.

2)  Optimize Your Headline (Your Headline IS NOT Your Title)

Your headline is one of the most important components because it is seen by LinkedIn users without ever clicking on your profile. Anytime you show up in a search or make a comment on a post, your headline follows along with your name and photo. You can see in the example below how Andrea’s headline appears in a LinkedIn search. Convey your value in your headline by stating what you do and who you serve.

6 Ways to Find and Attract Leads Using LinkedIn

Andrea’s headline clearly states that she is a speaker, consultant, and coach for financial industry professionals. Here’s a great example from one of the advisors we work with “I’m a financial advisor helping women in transition.”

3)  Write Your Summary In The 1st Person

The summary section is a prime marketing opportunity! Write your summary in the first person and outline the services you offer and how you help solve client challenges. Prospective clients do not want to read your resume. They care more about what you can do for them rather than your background. While your skills and expertise are important, share that information in the experience section of your profile.

4)  Make Sure Your Profile Is Easy To Find

LinkedIn doesn’t tell us exactly how to optimize profiles. There are steps you can take to increase your rank in search results. Identify two to three phrases that clients would use to look for you in a search. The phrase should represent what you do and the services you offer.

Add these phrases to your profile in multiple locations such as your headline, summary, experience section, titles, skills, publications, honors and awards, and speaking engagements. Avoid the urge to get clever with your keywords – investors use common phrases such as: Financial Planner, Financial Advisor, and Wealth Manager when looking for someone like you. One of the advisors we work with uses  “Financial Advisor specializing in retirement planning.”

5)  Use Advance Search To Find Prospects

LinkedIn’s advance search feature gives you the ability to maintain an ongoing active search for new leads. Search for potential clients within your target market by identifying the titles, industry, and demographics of those in your target market. To broaden your search, add a Boolean operator and make sure to remove first-degree connections from your search parameters, since they are already in your network.

6 Ways to Find and Attract Leads Using LinkedIn

Save your search using the Saved Search function and LinkedIn will send you a weekly email when someone new fits the criteria you created.

6 Ways to Find and Attract Leads Using LinkedIn

6)  Like & Comment On Posts By Others

Engage with your network. Watch for discussions of value and make comments on posts made by your clients, centers of influence, and group members. When you comment on a post, not only will your network see the comment, your reach will be extended to the network of the person who made the post, and the networks of anyone else who has engaged with that post. Once you establish conversations with others, reach out and connect with them provided they are relevant to your business; this will help grow your network organically.

LinkedIn is a goldmine for new clients. Commit 20 minutes each day to make a post of your own, comment on other posts, and use the advanced search feature. By investing a small amount of time and applying these strategies, you will be able to generate more leads and referrals.

And speaking of LinkedIn, join the Ironstone – Financial Industry Professionals Practice Management Group for practice management tips and collaborate with your peers.

The foundation of our Performance Coaching and Consulting Programs are based on Ironstone’s Fundamental 4™, which is essential to design, develop, and sustain a successful business. Our ultimate goal is to help you avoid trial and error; shifting your mindset to launch your process of intentional change. [LEARN MORE] or Request more information from the Ironstone team

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