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At A Glance..Things You Should Know


Hopefully everyone survived Valentine’s Day and perhaps enjoying a day off from work today! (It’s Presidents’ Day, so if you aren’t supposed to be at work, you may want to go back home!)

Last week was a busy one around the Ironstone office. We have a few updates to share with you, articles you may be interested in and of course, just a little bit of fun sprinkled in the mix.

Our Blog Has A New Home!
In case you missed it, Our Blog Has A New Home! You can sign up to receive our blog through our e-mail subscription service. This means each time a new article is added, you will be notified directly in your in-box! We invite you to read the articles, connect to the post and add your thoughts and comments to share best practices with our online community. We want to make sure you know our blog is now located on our website – www.ironstonhq.com/blog.

We found these articles interesting – let us know what you think!

Staying Active on Social Media: Ten Ways to Generate Relevant Content on a Frequent Basis

Manage Your Time More Effectively with a Model Week

Ten Minutes that Uncovers What’s Really Important to Prospects

Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There

Great content webinars and videos you may be interested in…

Taking the Worry Out of Referrals : Referrals are the lifeblood of your practice but many advisors either don’t like asking for them or don’t know how to ask for them. This webcast will help you understand just how referrals work and how to thank clients for referring you. Our panelists will discuss ways you can better use referrals and cover these points.

Marketing and Collateral Materials: Grooming Your Image

How to Attract Executive Women Clients: Talking to executive women clients can require different and new approaches.

As promised…a little fun……

Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (Wanna try?)

• Alexander Graham Bell never telephoned his wife or mother. They both were deaf. (Pretty ironic huh?)

• Guinness book of records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from public libraries. (Why would anyone want to keep that book at home?)

Have an awesome week!

• Email us at Office@IronstoneHQ.com
• Call our office at 800-917-8020
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