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Twitter Tangle – Understanding Twitter Acronyms

Social Media GraphicAs more of you are adopting social media, here are a few tips to help you with your posts. Common Twitter Acronyms:

  • AFAIK – As far as I know
  • B/C – Because
  • BFN – Bye for now
  • BR – Best Regards
  • BTW – By the way
  • DM – Direct Message
  • EM – Email
  • FB – Facebook
  • FF – Used as #FF for Follow Friday
  • FTF – Face to face
  • FTL – For the loss
  • FTW – For the win
  • FWD – Forward
  • FWIW – For what it’s worth
  • HT – Hat Tip
  • HTH – Hope that helps
  • IMHO – In my humble opinion
  • IMO – In my opinion
  • IRL – In real life
  • JV – joint venture
  • J/K – Just kidding
  • LI – LinkedIn
  • LMK – Let me know
  • LOL – Laughing out loud
  • MT – Modified tweet
  • NSFW – Not safe for work
  • OH – Overheard
  • PRT – Partial retweet
  • RE – In reply to. Example: use RE for @replies on Twitter to ensure all followers can see the conversation
  • RR – Re-run
  • RT – Retweet
  • RTF – Read the FAQ or Rich text file
  • RTHX – Thanks for the ReTweet
  • TMB – Tweet Me Back
  • TMI – Too much information
  • VIA – Simply means the tweet is from @username
  • YMV – Your mileage may vary
  • YW – You are welcome

Hope this list helps with any “twitter tangles” you may encounter!

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